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Delaware March 2023 State Update

City view of Wilmington Delaware from the sky

BPA is proud to announce $75,000 in funding for the formation of Delaware BPA (DEBPA) Affiliate and in-depth needs assessment of the residential energy efficiency marketplace. Partners include the Help Initiative, New Ecology, and Home Performance Consulting. This group had over 12 contractors provide sign-on letters with willingness to organize on a regular basis. The…

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January 2023 – Delaware State Update

Intersection and modern buildings in downtown Wilmington, Delaware.

BPA completed a kick-off meeting on December 6, 2022 with lead organizers and funders in the state. Discussions include a needs assessment and monthly meetings were scheduled for 2023 to discuss next steps. This needs assessment will be similar to the work BPA has done in West Virginia and Maine. Check the Delaware state page…

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An Update from Delaware BPA Organizers

Sunrise Over Cristina River and Downtown City Skyline Wilmington Delaware

Delaware Building Performance Association (DE BPA) held their inaugural meeting in December, 2022. There have been many ongoing discussions with National Building Performance Association (NBPA), that have helped layout an aggressive timeline on getting DE BPA online and operational as quickly as possible. A few items we are currently working on: A major step will…

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Delaware Program Repairs Homes So They Can Be Weatherized

An American home with a brick front and green front yard

Adding insulation to a home and reducing drafts can save people energy and money on their utility bills. Federal weatherization assistance can help low-income residents afford the cost of these changes, but it may not be an option if the house needs other repairs. For example, making a house more airtight helps keep the cold…

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