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Join Our Massachusetts BPA Meeting

A map of the United States in the background with the state of Massachusetts in green in the front

Please note, this event has passed. Thursday, November 17, 2022 at 3:00 p.m. ET Building Performance Association (BPA) and industry stakeholders in Massachusetts would like to invite you to the next group meeting on November 17 from 3 – 4 p.m. ET. Since our last meeting, much has happened in the industry. We hope you…

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WV Governor’s Energy Summit Recap

West Virginia city skyline.

West Virginia is an energy state that embraces the worldwide shift towards a cleaner economy. The West Virginia Governor’s Energy Summit had participation from people representing all aspects of fossil fuels, innovative technologies, and industry leadership. We were delightfully entertained by talks on hydrogen, carbon sequestration, and even geology. All of our prominent government leaders…

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October 2022 State Policy Updates

Graphic that reads, " BPA State Update October 2022"

BPA tracks the latest policy updates and legislative issues in many states across the nation. Read the highlights and find your state and check out the most recent policy news below. Key State Highlights In New Jersey, the Board of Public Utilities announced the launch of the “Whole House Pilot Program” connecting low-income residents with…

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Massachusetts BPA Industry Roundtable Recap

A photo of a person on a video conference call.

Yesterday we registered over 60 participants in our regular Mass BPA industry roundtable virtual meeting. Guest speaker Katelyn Mazuera from Eversource provided detailed insight into the Mass Save rebate program. Her presentation included rebate and incentive amounts as well as program parameters. Skip Wiltshire-Gordon from AnnDyl policy group gave us a breakdown of the Inflation…

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Massachusetts Passes ‘Landmark’ Climate Bill

A front, exterior photo of the capitol of the state of Massachusetts

The Massachusetts legislature recently passed a climate bill widely supported by environmental and clean energy advocates, with measures for expanding offshore wind energy and energy efficiency as well as curbing transportation emissions. H. 4515 sets a 5.6 GW offshore wind development minimum target by 2027, reforms ratepayer-funded efficiency programs focused on clean energy and low-income…

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New Report: Building a Sustainable Residential Infrastructure

Graphic featuring the Innovation in Home Performance Report. Text on the graphic reads, "New Report: Innovation in Home Performance"

Homes are an important part of our nation’s energy and physical infrastructure with a unique connection to the lives of Americans. Residential buildings also remain a largely untapped resource for carbon reductions. Research shows that retrofitting all U.S. homes constructed before 2000 would reduce emissions by 242 million tons per year and save $66 billion…

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Whole-Home Repairs Wins With $125 Million in Pennsylvania Budget

Photo of Pennsylvania senator speaking at a rally

Last week, State Senator Nikil Saval (D–Philadelphia) announced a $125-million appropriation in Pennsylvania’s 2022–2023 budget to establish his groundbreaking Whole-Home Repairs Program. He issued the following statement: “Every person has a right to a home that is safe—a home that is healthy. But right now, across our Commonwealth, hundreds of thousands of households are denied…

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West Virginians for Energy Freedom Response to Proposed Energy Rate Increase

raising hands

Going directly into communities and listening is an essential part of growing energy efficiency activities in rural areas. Grassroots organizations like Energy Efficient West Virginia (EEWV) are valuable allies for state engagement. Check out the press coverage from their recent trip to Wheeling to teach energy efficiency in response to proposed energy rate increases: The…

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West Virginia Energy Efficiency Impact Grant

A photo of west Virginia.

This micro-grant program is a partnership between the Jackson County Development Authority and West Virginia Office of Energy to assist small businesses throughout the state in making energy efficiency upgrades to their business. Learn more and apply here › Program Overview: A one-time grant award of up to $3,000 for eligible businesses with no repayment…

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