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National Energy Efficiency Career Map

Green Buildings Career Map Logo

Through a recent three-year grant from the U.S. Department of Energy Building Technologies Office, the Interstate Renewable Energy Council (IREC) and its partners will develop an interactive career map that highlights the breadth of rewarding career opportunities in the energy efficiency sectors. With this resource, the partners will conduct extensive outreach to reach a large…

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COVID-19 Challenges at the State Level & BPA’s Response

Illustrated Graphic depicted a man swinging a mallet to hit a button. The button reads "restart"

This summer, the Building Performance Association has been keeping its focus on getting contractors back to work safely and making sure that energy efficiency programs remain fully funded and prepared for the COVID challenges ahead. Our state policy efforts have continued aggressively in three main areas: Developing Health and Safety (H&S) Protocols for Back to…

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Summer Heats Up Building Performance Legislation

Photo of the Lincoln Memorial

The past few weeks have been an exciting time for building performance legislation in Congress. On June 24th, the House and Senate simultaneously introduced the HOPE for HOMES Act of 2020 (H.R. 7325, S. 4052). This important legislation provides $6.5 billion to support on-line training for contractors while funding a rebate program for homeowners to…

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HOPE for HOMES Act of 2020 Introduced with Bipartisan Support

Graphic that features the words "Hope for Homes Re-introduced" at the top. . Text at the bottom reads, "$500 million to support online training for contractors."

The HOPE for HOMES Act of 2020 was introduced in the House and the Senate on June 24 with bipartisan support. The bill includes immediate relief and long-term support for the residential energy efficiency contractor industry negatively affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. It offers a two-pronged approach to support online contractor training and fuel re-hiring…

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The COVID-19 Pandemic and HOPE4HOMES

Illustrated graphic of a diverse group of people wearing masks

Before the World Fell Apart The Building Performance Association (BPA) began 2020 with a robust strategy to advance the industry and drive more energy efficiency work across our country. With a workforce of over 2.3 million, our industry was hard at work improving homes and buildings, saving energy, and advancing resilience and economic opportunity for…

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BPA Fighting for Energy Efficiency Programs During and Post Pandemic

Image showing a large stack of dollar bills surrounded by paper cut outs of people

The Building Performance Association (BPA) and its allies have been hard at work for our industry. Specifically, BPA has been working on petitions that will allow contractors and small businesses to provide energy efficiency services and take part in training while on-site work opportunities are limited due to COVID-19. BPA’s conversations with state agencies where…

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The HOPE4HOMES Concept is Born

Photo of a capitol building with the sun shining brightly

As soon as the nation began shuttering businesses and halting energy retrofit programs last week, the Building Performance Association turned its lobbying effort to support contractors who were laying off employees and struggling to stay open during the pandemic. HOPE4HOMES is Born BPA has developed a new $500 Million concept – the Contractor “Home Online…

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BPA Supports Nevada Energy Efficiency Deal

Photo of the Nevada Capitol building

Business groups and trade associations across Nevada celebrated a new agreement to help electricity customers save money. The plan expands select energy efficiency programs for customers of NV Energy. Low-income residents are among the customers who stand to benefit. For example, NV Energy’s subsidiaries — Nevada Power Company and Sierra Pacific Power Company — had…

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