BPA Urges Congress to Advance Energy Efficiency in Buildings to Address the Climate Crisis
Today, the House Select Committee on the Climate Crisis holds a hearing titled “Solving the Climate Crisis: Cleaner, Stronger Buildings” focused on reducing carbon pollution and improving resilience in residential and commercial buildings across the nation. The Building Performance Association (BPA) strongly urges Congress to act to advance energy efficiency in buildings by maintaining robust…
Read MoreBPA Applauds Introduction “The Blue Collar to Green Collar Jobs Act”
The Building Performance Association strongly supports H.R. 1315, “The Blue Collar to Green Collar Jobs Act of 2019,” which aims to support training for employment in clean energy industries including residential energy efficiency and renewable energy retrofits, and is being considered during a U.S. House of Representatives hearing today on “Clean Energy Infrastructure and the…
Read MoreNew Report on the Eve of Energy Efficiency Day Calls on the Smart Home to Change the Concept of Home Energy Efficiency
On October 4, 2018, the Building Performance Association called on policymakers, industry leaders, energy program managers and contractors to redefine home energy performance to include smart technology, smart homes. In “Redefining Home Performance in the 21st Century, How the Smart Home Could Revolutionize the Industry and Transform the Home-to-Grid Connection,” HPC asserts that America’s homes…
Read MoreBPA Calls on Congress to Support Federal Energy Efficiency Programs
Today, President Trump released his budget for fiscal year (FY) 2019, which includes a significant cut in funding for residential energy efficiency programs at the Department of Energy (DOE). The Weatherization Assistance Program, Energy STAR and the State Energy Program are zeroed out completely in the President’s budget. Read more about BPA’s response in our…
Read MoreLeaving the Paris Accord is a Wrongheaded Decision and Defies Science
Yesterday, President Trump announced to the world that America will rescind from the Paris accord leaving the U.S. diplomatically at odds with 194 countries on climate, taking the United States of America from “America First” to “America Alone” on climate change and clean energy job creation. The president said, “I was elected to represent the…
Read MoreBPA Calls on Congress to Properly Prioritize Clean, Efficient Energy Use
Today, President Trump released his budget for fiscal year (FY) 2018, which includes a 72% cut in funding for residential energy efficiency programs at the Department of Energy (DOE). The Weatherization Assistance Program and the State Energy Program are zeroed out completely in the President’s budget. DOE’s residential energy efficiency programs at are vital to…
Read MoreHPC Salutes the Newly Released Comprehensive National Guide on Utility-Funded Energy Efficiency Programs
This week, the National Efficiency Screening Project (NESP) announced the publication of the National Standard Practice Manual for Assessing Cost-Effectiveness of Energy Efficiency Resources (NSPM). This comprehensive national guide for utility-funded energy efficiency programs is now available to help utilities, regulators and other stakeholders make the best possible energy efficiency decisions for their state and…
Read MoreHPC Submits Comments to the EPA – Federal carbon regulations should not be repealed, replaced, or modified.
HPC submitted comments to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regarding the evaluation of existing regulations proposed rule explaining why carbon regulations do not meet the top three criteria identified in Executive Order 13777, which serves as the underpinning for the evaluation, and therefore should not be revised. There is a wide array of existing,…
Read MoreNational EE programs support jobs, help families, & should not be cut
Home contracting and energy groups urge continued funding of key programs National energy efficiency programs support jobs across the country and protect vulnerable families. But the White House’s initial budget outline suggests these programs might end up on the chopping block. So home contracting and energy efficiency groups are rallying to their defense. “The Department…
Read MoreEfficiency First Maryland (EF-MD) & BPA Applaud Maryland Lawmakers for Listening, Taking Action and Extending the EmPOWER Program
HPC applauds Maryland lawmakers for extending the EmPOWER Maryland energy efficiency program. Under the current plan, EmPOWER Maryland has helped consumers save more than $4 Billion on electric bills, avoiding the construction of three to five new power plants in Maryland and helped to create hundreds of small businesses in the energy efficiency industry sector.…
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