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Articles to Read This Black History Month

A graphic with a black background that reads, "Celebrating Black Leaders in Home Performance."

Throughout the month of February, BPA has been highlighting a variety of must-read articles that celebrate Black voices in our industry. This month and all months, we value the perspective, advancements, and contributions that Black leaders deliver for the full home performance industry and our communities. Check out a few recommended articles: Changemaker: Randal Wyatt…

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Jobs On The Rise: Energy Efficiency Jobs In Maine

A group of workers in masks gather around a man with an iPad who is conducting a training.

The US job market has been on a roller coaster for the last few years, with workforce issues and The Great Resignation looming large while unemployment rates are hitting pre-pandemic levels. Those searching for a job want to do meaningful work that they enjoy while working for a company they trust in a growing industry.…

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Governor Hochul Announces Transformative Investments in Energy Affordability, Building Efficiency, and Clean Air and Water

New York City panorama skyline at sunrise

Among many other key initiatives, Gov. Hochul has called for a commitment of $200 Million to support energy efficiency and electrification retrofit investments and another $200 Million in utility bill relief for low income homeowners to pursue clean energy options without adverse impacts on their energy bills. Additionally, aligned with recommendations from the Clean Action…

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Virginia CAP Paves New Pathways to Growing Weatherization Workforce

A woman standing in her front yard next to a sign that reads, "Free Rehab and Weatherization Program." She is smiling.

Recently, NASCSP had the opportunity to sit down with the Hampton Roads Community Action Program (HRCAP), based in Newport News, VA, to discuss a unique pilot program. HRCAP’s Chief Operating Officer, Kevin Otey Jr.; Assistant Director of Support Services, Cynthia Randall-Young; and Director of Program Innovation and Transformation, Monique Moore all took time to share…

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An Update from Delaware BPA Organizers

Sunrise Over Cristina River and Downtown City Skyline Wilmington Delaware

Delaware Building Performance Association (DE BPA) held their inaugural meeting in December, 2022. There have been many ongoing discussions with National Building Performance Association (NBPA), that have helped layout an aggressive timeline on getting DE BPA online and operational as quickly as possible. A few items we are currently working on: A major step will…

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Ohio BPA Partnership Kick-Off Meeting

A photo of an Ohio city in the background with the text, "Ohio BPA Partnership. Kick-Off Meeting. Thursday, February 2"

This is the first in a series of monthly meetings designed to keep you up-to-date and informed about the latest clean energy initiatives from Ohio, BPA and our partners. Click Here to Register › Agenda Steve Skodak, BPA-CEO: Welcome and introduce BPA team or Xavier Walter, BPA State Outreach Coordinator ( 5 minutes) Russell Boyd,…

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Weatherization Assistance Program Announced as NHPC’23 Partner

Graphic with BPA's 2023 national conference logo. The text reads, "Announcing Our Conference Partner." On the right side, the SCEP logo is displayed.

The Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) has once again renewed their commitment to BPA and the industry by partnering with us to support our national conference, hosted April 17-20, 2023, in Seattle, Washington. We are grateful for their ongoing partnership and involvement in the industry. T&TA Funds May be Used to Attend Attendance at this event…

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Participate in the Maine Needs Assessment Survey

Graphic that reads "Maine Needs Assessment - Take Part in the Survey"

Are you a weatherization or energy efficiency contractor doing work in the state of Maine? Are you struggling to meet your business goals? Are you also struggling to recruit employees to help you meet those goals? If so, we need you to participate in the Maine Needs Assessment Survey. This survey was developed in partnership…

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Kearny, NJ Energy Assistance Day is Jan. 26 & 28

A close-up of a map with the city Kearny in focus

The name of the game is: Community Based Partnerships In this example, GreenLife Energy Solutions is providing informational sessions to a wide array of local stakeholders. This event is hosted Thursday January 26, 2023 and Saturday, January 28, 2023. Incorporating the Food Pantry, Salvation Army, and other social impact organizations we can meet people where…

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Clean Energy Internship Available in Maine

ReMaine is a clean energy internship program funded by the Maine Governor’s Energy Office, in which the team will partner with Maine employers to place interns in paid, short-term jobs. This program seeks to create an entry point into the clean energy economy in Maine, with a particular focus on placing women and BIPOC participants.…

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