West Virginia BPA Update
West Virginia BPA is an official affiliate of BPA. This powerful group of stakeholders has conducted three working group sessions after their initial roundtable meeting. These group sessions focused on workforce development, home performance, and weatherization assistance support. The State Office of Energy, weatherization assistance agencies, local utilities, community and technical colleges, and several others…
Read MoreMassachusetts BPA Update – March 2022
Our Massachusetts BPA affiliate hosted its first online roundtable with more than 70 participants from all segments of the energy efficiency industry in the state. They discussed federal legislation advancements, including the passing of the infrastructure bill that will add millions of dollars to the existing funding. The 3-year plan was outlined and discussed along…
Read MoreMay 2021 Lobby Day Recap
On Tuesday, May 25, 2021, Building Performance Association hosted a day of meetings with Congress in support of the HOPE for HOMES Act of 2021. Here’s a quick recap. On Tuesday, a total of 65 participants were in 16 meetings—4 of which were with members of Congress. Later in the week and the following week,…
Read MoreHOPE for HOMES Act of 2021 Re-Introduced to Advance Training and Incentives for Our Industry
The HOPE for HOMES Act of 2021 (H.R. 3456, S. 1768) was introduced today in the House and Senate. The bill has bipartisan support and offers multiple approaches to help upgrade homes and multifamily buildings while offering support for contractor training and incentives for energy efficiency upgrades. HOPE for HOMES Act proposes $500 million to…
Read MoreCLEAN Future Act Update
In early March, Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Frank Pallone, Jr. (D-NJ), Environment and Climate Change Subcommittee Chairman Paul Tonko (D-NY) and Energy Subcommittee Chairman Bobby L. Rush (D-IL) introduced the Climate Leadership and Environmental Action for our Nation’s (CLEAN) Future Act, which lays out the blueprint for how they propose to combat climate change…
Read MoreAmplify Your Voice & Sign Our Constituent Letter
Please note, the deadline to sign this letter has passed. Click here to access our legislative action center for the latest opportunities to get involved. The Building Performance Association, with the support of E4TheFuture, is asking for your help. Our industry, like so many others, has been greatly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. But with…
Read MoreVirtually Support Residential EE Programs on Capitol Hill
These events have concluded. Thanks to all who supported energy efficiency! Do you care about HPwES? Home Energy Score? Government support for other residential energy efficiency initiatives? Well, now is your time to tell them! The Building Performance Association, in collaboration with E4TheFuture, is hosting a series of virtual lobby day meetings March 23, 24,…
Read MoreBPA Submits Comments on Pennsylvania Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative Regulations
Last week, the Building Performance Association submitted comments on the Pennsylvania Environmental Quality Board’s (EQB) proposed amendment to Chapter 145 to establish a trading program for carbon dioxide emissions and join the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI). While BPA has supported PA’s entry into RGGI in the past, the most recent comments include new 2020…
Read MoreBPA Represents Ohio Members & Stakeholders to Oppose House Bill 6
Building Performance Association, along with members of the Ohio business community, will provide testimony today, November 16, 2020, at 2:00 p.m. ET to oppose House Bill 6 (HB 6). The virtual panel will highlight the impact of HB 6 on job creation, economic development, and future investment in clean energy in Ohio. Prior to the…
Read MorePennsylvania PUC Denies Energy Efficiency Program Shutdown
The BPA petition against the attempts by the Industrial Energy Consumers of Pennsylvania to shut down funding for and the implementation of energy efficiency programs in Pennsylvania was a success! BPA filed the stakeholder signed petition on June 18, 2020. The petition helped to strengthen legal arguments and comments BPA had filed with partner organizations…
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