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An Update on IRA Rebates in Maine

Maine State House is the state capitol of the State of Maine in Augusta, Maine, USA.

If you attended the BPA national conference in Seattle this year, chances are you attended at least one session that referenced the incoming rebates of the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). The entire industry is trying to anticipate how to leverage these rebate incentives and prepare for when these funds become available, but with few…

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Summer Energy Efficiency Training

Two female teachers making something with their hands

BPA is excited to share that the College of the Atlantic (COA) and non-profit Envirolution are partnering to host a 3-day professional learning workshop for Maine teachers on June 19-21st, at the COA campus in Bar Harbor. The workshop includes the full Project ReCharge curriculum, which has over 20 hands-on STEM lessons and access to…

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Maine March 2023 State Update

Portland, Maine, USA at Portland Head Light.

The first cohort for ReMaine’s internship program, which provides an entry point for clean energy jobs, has begun. In total, the ReMaine program will support 32 interns across two cohorts and will subsidize 50% of wages from $18 to $22/hour for a total of 240 hours. The second cohort will begin in June. If you’re…

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ReMaine Internship Program Aims to Jumpstart Workforce

Two home performance workers in an attic adding insulation.

In order to secure a brighter future for Maine, we need long-term solutions for keeping a trained and skilled workforce within the energy efficiency sector, which will require expanding and sustaining entry-level and internship positions. The ReMaine Internship Program provides an entry point to clean energy jobs throughout the state and is focused on diverse…

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February 2023 – Maine State Update

Photo of a city skyline in Maine.

BPA has partnered with the Maine Housing Coalition to build a future workforce with those who are considered Asylum Seekers, New Americans, those who are under the poverty income levels, and those who have been in Foster Care. Under this partnership, BPA will have a two-day class with State Outreach Coordinator Xavier Walter as the…

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Jobs On The Rise: Energy Efficiency Jobs In Maine

A group of workers in masks gather around a man with an iPad who is conducting a training.

The US job market has been on a roller coaster for the last few years, with workforce issues and The Great Resignation looming large while unemployment rates are hitting pre-pandemic levels. Those searching for a job want to do meaningful work that they enjoy while working for a company they trust in a growing industry.…

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January 2023 – Maine State Update

The Maine State House in Augusta, Maine, USA.

We successfully applied for and received a workforce development grant as part of the Governors Clean Energy Partnership program and are in the process of a needs assessment for the state. As of January 2023, we have successfully posted a position for an AmeriCorp Vista to mobilize our grassroots efforts in Maine. We have worked…

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Participate in the Maine Needs Assessment Survey

Graphic that reads "Maine Needs Assessment - Take Part in the Survey"

Are you a weatherization or energy efficiency contractor doing work in the state of Maine? Are you struggling to meet your business goals? Are you also struggling to recruit employees to help you meet those goals? If so, we need you to participate in the Maine Needs Assessment Survey. This survey was developed in partnership…

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Clean Energy Internship Available in Maine

ReMaine is a clean energy internship program funded by the Maine Governor’s Energy Office, in which the team will partner with Maine employers to place interns in paid, short-term jobs. This program seeks to create an entry point into the clean energy economy in Maine, with a particular focus on placing women and BIPOC participants.…

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